Over the past few months, there has been a considerable increase in the number of individuals landing on this blog and reading its postings. I'd like to welcome all of you, and want you to realize that I greatly appreciate your taking time out of your busy day to read my articles.
Furthermore, I encourage all of you to leave comments expressing your impressions and opinions on any articles that capture your interest (even old ones). Also, please feel free to ask questions; as a matter of policy, I make it a point to respond to all posted comments, and I will answer any questions if I am able to. And dissenting comments or criticism are equally welcome, too, as long as they are constructive and well-intentioned.
One of the great things about blogs, as opposed to more traditional mediums, is that communication can be bi-directional. I think it should be, as this enables readers to glean far more information than they would from static articles. And it enables the author to learn a thing or two from his/her readers, and improve content going forward.
So a big welcome to you all! And I hope you continue to enjoy this blog...

Wonderful blog! My husband and I are going to build a timber frame house. Your house has become inspiration for us! We love the pictures and the history you post about. Keep it up! We enjoy reading your posts!
-Kerry in MN
Well said John!
Kerry -- Thanks very much! I am very pleased that you find these writings inspiring, and good luck with your project! Keep us informed on your progress.
By the way, you should take a look at Sandy's blogs and website, if you haven't already. You'll find a ton of inspiration there, too, as well as resources and even help if you're looking for it. I have personally seen some of their frames up in Vermont, and they are truly impressive!
Sandy -- Thanks very much for the kind words, and for being such a good neighbor here in the blogosphere! ;-)
John - glad to count you as a blogger read!!
Thank you, Shelley! The pleasure is mine! ;-)
Before we got the condo here in Phoenix we had an old home just off Central. It was built in 1923, which is considered old here. It was constant upkeep, but what a joy it was to live there. Any guest in our home complimented us on what lovely condition it was in. I am SO glad we no longer have all the responsibility that went with that house(& 1/2 acre)!!! Now, of course we have the log cabin we had built in N.Idaho and are working on the inside of that. They are hand peeled logs so Pat is sanding each log by hand and I am doing all the chinking....will this house work stuff never end??!! I especially enjoy reading of your old house adventures now that I don't have any myself!! Have a good night John! C.
Hi Cassie,
Yes, old homes truly are a labor of love, but very rewarding as such. I look after both my own house, as well as my mother's house, which is a lovely, ca. 1914 saltbox. Her house needs quite a bit of ongoing repair and restorative work, too. So it's a challenge dividing my time between these two old houses.
I am glad my blog helps you re-live your experiences with your 1923 home, which must have been a lovely place. But what you are doing up in North Idaho...hand sanding the logs and chinking the gaps...now, that sounds like a handful of work, too! But I am sure every bit as satisfying at the end of the day.
Have a good night too, Cassie!
- John
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