A view of the knot (and a few of the remaining high areas) from the other side:
This evening, I removed much of the knot by slicing away at some of the wood surrounding it, and then chopping the knot up with my splitting axe, being careful not to completely pop the knot out -- I don't want to be left with a gaping hole right below the line. Rather, I just want to get this bulge down before hewing this side of the log:
Here is the other view of the log, with the knot and bulge largely (though not completely) cut-down:
My next step will be to insert a few screws into the far side of the log to ensure that the existing splits don't open any wider -- I don't want a large portion of one side of the log to break off, although, if it did, I have a contingency plan for mitigating that. As things stand, this is going to end up being a "composite" top consisting most likely of two slabs (one large, one small), keyed together to provide an approximately rectangular bench-top. But I want to keep this main slab whole, if possible.
Once the screws are in place to stabilize the log (actually, I think it's officially a "cant" at this point, not a log anymore), I'll turn it over and score the other side (the bottom of the workbench slab). That should be a bit easier, as there's less material to remove from the bottom than there had been on top.
What year is this going to be done? ha! Seems like this is one of those projects that could last a lifetime. Something like my chinking project. Hopefully I'll get it done before croaking!
AND a Happy Easter to you and yours! I just figured out how to do Blingee and make sparklie pictures, so my Resurrection Day card (on my blog) is maybe a little over the top? I had to laugh when you said maybe we're related. Okay, let's put this together. Polish moms(mine is 1/2 German, 1/2Polish--same,same.)~check , relatives living in Pennsylvania~check, warped sense on humor~check, taking on projects that take a LONG time to finish and never giving up~check and check. Yup, you are surely a long lost relative. I will trade the lousy brother I have in for you! Really, here are a few Polish names from my mom's mother's side: Pogozelski, Michniewicz, Dembowski, Chipkowski, Oldynski. The German side is very German: Schmidt, Smith, Zelser/Seltzer. Dresher/Thrasher (from my Dad's side). Yikes, this should have been a post!
LOL at Cassie being impatient!! ha,ha! I'm looking forward to seeing the completed bench. HOpe your Easter was lovely!!
Cassie & Shelley: You guys are both just TOO FUNNY! You've got me in stitches. Yes, Shelley, I had a wonderful Easter, and I trust you did, too. And as for you, Cousin Cassie, I've got a lot more to say to you! Better I go over to your blog and say it there. That is, after I check out your Blingee proficiency! Thanks to you both for keeping a lively dialogue going! :-) ~ John
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